Tag Archives: Sketchbook

Nature Might Have Been Cruel Jul 2022

Nature might have been cruel by ToriaManning July 2022

Nature Might Have Been Cruel

Before we are even self-aware, we are dressed in the weighted ego of those who conceived us and entrusted with the burden of their plight.

Expected to forever look up, smiling politely at all the destruction and mess that we are faced with.
As my eyes recklessly glared at the chaos that should have perturbed me.
It occurred to me that this role was owed to those who passed before me.
The self-centred creators of the lost.

Lost child, speak your mind.

The celestial bodies watched you grow and make a trail to an abstract home in the fray.
Unexpectedly you found yourself in a dysfunctional shelter for all strays.
And finally became a prey for the kindred of troubled and lost souls alike.
How could you have known that an orphan heart would inevitably produce and attract its kind?
Indulgent, self preserving and only ever attracted to things they shouldn’t have.

When the voice of light whispered to you the path to truth.
You grabbed on to it, but only because of what it could do for you.
Orphan, could you not see that walking the path of freedom could not be a selfish act?
Pain, shame and fear took you off track.

But lack of insight could be your downfall.
Your shallow sight cannot reveal your blind spots.
The fray, the strays and lost souls took your senses in awe, and dashed them against the pillar of cloud who was also your rock.

Lost child search your mind.
Nature might have been cruel, but pride will make you go blind.
As you are, you cannot save a life.
Sadly the belief that you have preserved yourself is but a lie.
The only thing safeguarded is the immortality of your insecurities and your ensured servitude to it.
You can only live as it permits you, and so will your kin.

The simple truth is,  you can get away from the fray, the home for all strays and from under the power and influence of the troubled and lost souls. To do so you must reach for the hand that reaches towards you.

The difficult truth is that you have no choice but to.
Otherwise, you will remain a lost child, even until your very last breath.

Wake up.

The terrifying idea of breaking vicious cycles

I started working on this sketch in 2019. Of all the 33 sketches in the black sketchbook, it has the longest life span in terms of the time measured from start and finish. I think it took me so long to complete it because at the start of its life, I lacked the vision and emotional maturity to carry the message to fruition. The written piece is loaded and hefty enough to decode the sketch, so I think it is not worth writing a breakdown of my thoughts and delving into what inspired the art piece. But in short, it speaks on the notion of breaking vicious cycles and negative generational patterns.

I realise that this is a weighty topic so, if anyone needs to talk or would like a listening ear feel free to message me on tiktok: @toraamanning and I shall try my very best to get back to you.

It could have been great Dec 2021

It could have been great by ToriaManning

It could have been great

The smell in the air was different, the atmosphere changed. 

The seasons always confirmed what our calendars failed to. Yet the height of the sun, movement of the clouds and positioning of the constellations became indiscernible. 

It could have been beautiful. 

Wind swept leaves spelled out the words we needed to see. All the forces of nature agreed. 

At the 11th hour, the consciousness of the earth awakened and a rhythm pulsated throughout the planet; acknowledging the gravity of these new signs. 

Compelled by these rare occurrences, it was impossible for anyone to ignore that something spectacular was brewing. 

It could have been great, and it was for a few, but only the few. 

What seems obvious to some is not always apparent to all. We are only truly as aware as our deepest thoughts. 

It could have been great, and perhaps it was. Maybe it was always meant to be this way. 

Dealing with disappointment but leaving room for healing.

My husband once said, a long time ago, that when he met me, he thought I was almost always sad, deep down inside… and man was he right. At the time, I remember thinking, true, but why are you not sad? Have you seen the state of the world?! I thought, to be emotionally unaffected by the chaos around required for one to be either ignorant, self involved, oblivious or deluded.

I see the limits with this mentality, and realise on the contrary that such mindsets are sometimes a product of one’s own self-importance. Not only is it pointless being weighed down by circumstances that I cannot control, but it is also self-destructive to do so for a prolonged period. I now choose to surrender everything to God and let things end there. ‘It could have been great’ is about doing what I can to keep hope alive, by not allowing negative experiences alone to shape my psychology and dictate my present or future. It is about making the decision to not be perpetually imprisoned in the past, in regret or in the ruins of unfulfilled expectations.

I hope to increasingly put healing and forgiveness first and to find the silver lining in everything. Even when it seems impossible to find a silver lining, I try my best to simply mourn the loss, surrender the burden in a healthy way, and move on. I trust that the rest will work itself out.

Robbed Jul 2020

Robbed 8 Jul 2020 by Victoriadeyemi

Many a time, I was told to let the murderer pass by.
Something about a right of passage. They said “This is what life is like”.

This time, I investigated before planting.
I stayed up all night guarding.
Watering, building, giving.
Though we exist in strange times, everything started to yield.
Again came the thief. Insincerely wearing the face of a thousand men, lowly creeping out in the field.

A known destroyer; with it’s mouth full of acid, drooling and devising a scheme to blend in.

I was mocked by the ‘wisest of the wise’ and was told to let you by.
No sooner than they spoke, did I realise that you champion that advice.

The funny thing is you always come here.
Yet your curse is not mine to bear.
You are drawn to me.
You see me; the sole surviving fruit on this deep-rooted tree.

I see you.

To stop you, I would have to set off the bomb attached to my head.
But see, even if it were my destiny to bring about your end…
I refuse to die with you or in your stead.

So, conflicted I ask, what do I do now?

Drowning Apr 2019

Drowning Apr 2019 by Victoriadeyemi
Drowning Apr 2019 by Victoriadeyemi

You were drowning, I jumped in to save you. 
That’s what anyone in my shoes would do.
I don’t remember if you wanted to be saved.
Sometimes your arms struggled and waved. 

Here in the chaos, I realise to my shock, that you have been drowning for years now. It must have been beyond exhausting. 

You were drowning, I leapt in to save you. 
But it didn’t mean that I had to drown too.

You pushed my head down and used me to stay afloat. 
You frantically nodded as the fetters clamped to your feet, reached for mine. 
It found its successor.

The familiar sensation of dark waters filled up my lungs. It sunk me low, until…
Darkness became my default state. 

But I knew that I did not belong there. 
Everytime death took a census, it could only mutter the first syllable of my name. 
That was all the motivation I needed to want my escape. 

You were drowning, I jumped in to save you. 
That’s what anyone in my shoes would do.
You were drowning, I leapt in to save you. 
But it didn’t mean that I had to drown too.

Soon enough, you too will realise that you don’t belong in death’s grip. 
You will finally see the ancient path carved out.
Waiting to lead you back to land.

Broken (Nov 2017)

Broken by victoriadeyemi


I think that pain gives birth to illusions.

Sometimes, these illusions lie and steal from us. They have the ability to make living feel so heavy and break our spirits.

I still haven’t learnt what the best way of dealing with pain is. I think that there is no universal solution.

These days, I simply cry out to God.

Sometimes, I doubt if that really works.

Other times, I think to myself “the doubt is only another illusion created by my pain”.

Yellow And Green: To X and others (Sept 2016)


Tim Yellow and Green
Yellow and Green By Victoriadeyemi. Dedicated to

Chalk and Acrylic.

Dedicated to X

Yellow and Green

Yellow and green like the natural valley underneath your sternum.
Yellow and green because I wear my heart on my sleeve.
Yellow and green like growth and mutual reliance.
Yellow and green because I have trusted you with so much and yet so little.
Yellow and green like when the hills kiss the sun.
Yellow and green because this ultimately came, without much thought or inquiry.

Dedicated to those who happened into my life and managed to stay in.

Interpersonal relationships: Being in charge but also leaving enough room for the unknown.

Relationships may sometimes seem overly centred around trying to make things work. The level of difficulty of this is often dependent on one’s ability to tolerate and willingness to understand. It is almost common knowledge that you cannot choose your biological family but you can choose your friends. However, some friends happen to you like an unforeseen event. Sometimes they are disastrous, even catastrophic and other times a wonderful surprise. You end up going through or coming out of such experiences with thoughts like ‘what just happened?’

For the most part of life, we do not have a choice with regards to a majority of stuff that happens to us. For instance, the people we were born to, the struggles we were born to deal with or other circumstances we found ourselves in.

We may not really have a say when it comes to the people that happen into our lives, the ones we fall in love with, the ones that hurt us, the ones that we have to work with or those who become family members along the line. However, we do have a great amount of discretion when it comes to deciding who stays in. We just need to be wise with how we use this choice.


Why Everyone Needs To Shut Up and Think. Break free (Aug 2016)

Break Free by Victoriadeyemi

Why everyone needs to SHUT UP and THINK.

I created this blog not wanting to be too acidic.

I needed it to be a distraction from the real world.
Talk less politics.
Talk less God.

Not wanting to be that loud cry in an empty hall.
But I didn’t last long doing that.

I have a great dislike for bullies but a special dislike for self-righteous people who feel above correction; they will never change.

Can you hear me?
Stop persecuting us!
Stop limiting us!

Stop hating yourselves!
Forcibly driving yourselves into sunken airless pockets.

Are you ignorant?
Light-hearted fun is good. And alcohol makes people happy. But only for a little while. Ignorance is only bliss when it is real ignorance. Not the type that was fashioned into existence  to sway minds and suppress overly thoughts
You are not Ignorant.

I Stopped fighting for the cause, but did I ever really begin?

Did I never tackle Inequality because I became apathetic? Or because I became too scared of the backlash from people who pick equal fights against the cause?

Do people really want to read long reports about inequality?

Don’t they either feel guilty for being a part of the problem? Or guilty for not fighting against the problem? Guilt always finds new ways to be transformed into backlash.

Are you selfish?
True selfishness is to seek your gain to the detriment of others.
For humanity to grow true selfishness needs to die.

Everyone needs to SHUT UP and THINK.
Activists included. Non-activists included. Everyone. Including those with tremendously wise things to say, and those who only say stupid things.
Myself included.

Talk is cheap.

We are all becoming too stupid from talking more than we are ever willing to listen.

Accidental (Jul 2016)

20160713_100552 (2)
Accidental By victoriadeyemi
Initially being 21 did not feel that much different from being 20. My thinking was; It is not really change if the same things keep happening but in a different way.


Tired birds singing tired songs.
Singing the same song, centuries past.
Future to come.

Are you not exhausted by repetitive things?
LIAR! in swift denial, gently coaxed by…

wandering voices; near and far.

Liar and thief: victims and oppressors.

Trapped in an endless dance, a vicious cycle.
Quick to condemn.
Slow to change.
In swift denial, gently coaxed by wandering voices.

Let It Go. (June 2016 )

Let it go by victoriadeyemi june 2016

I think June 2016 so far has been the craziest month, I moved my entire life back to the UK and the UK decided (against my will) that it wanted to leave the EU. June required a lot of adjustment. Life will carry on, maybe not as usual but it wou.

Let it go is mainly about the act of forgiveness; a topic I was sort of exploring right before I left France. I guess it followed me to England and inspired its own post.

Let it go.
The shadows from our past may haunt us, deeply rooted in our veins; they use unforgiveness as nourishment.
The most fertile soil for such a thing.
It’s vines are like puppet strings.
It sprouts teeth not flowers.
Baring down, they sink in and steal.

However, God has called us to be free, not chained by these things.

Who knows?
Maybe such events needed to have exsisted?
Maybe this was the thing that made you who you are today.

All My Friends Are Turning Green (May 2016)

All My Friends Are Turning
All My Friends Are Turning Green by Victoriadeyemi. 

All My Friends Are Turning Green 

Hear the words of an artificial introvert.
One who felt too guilty to be rightfully happy, who instinctively took on the burdens and sorrows of others’ misery.

Hear the words of one natural critic.
At the birth of an opprobrium.
One who dealt too harshly with herself.

Hear the words of the one, who constantly battled with the idea of freedom and the premise behind escape.

One who fought himself every midnight, frantically chasing himself in the desert. This is actually hilarious, because it is impossible to escape from one’s self.

It is sometimes easier to shut yourself out, to become closed off, detached, uncaring. But you shouldn’t; the world is just too interesting and intriguing to do that.