Why Everyone Needs To Shut Up and Think. Break free (Aug 2016)

Break Free by Victoriadeyemi

Why everyone needs to SHUT UP and THINK.

I created this blog not wanting to be too acidic.

I needed it to be a distraction from the real world.
Talk less politics.
Talk less God.

Not wanting to be that loud cry in an empty hall.
But I didn’t last long doing that.

I have a great dislike for bullies but a special dislike for self-righteous people who feel above correction; they will never change.

Can you hear me?
Stop persecuting us!
Stop limiting us!

Stop hating yourselves!
Forcibly driving yourselves into sunken airless pockets.

Are you ignorant?
Light-hearted fun is good. And alcohol makes people happy. But only for a little while. Ignorance is only bliss when it is real ignorance. Not the type that was fashioned into existence  to sway minds and suppress overly thoughts
You are not Ignorant.

I Stopped fighting for the cause, but did I ever really begin?

Did I never tackle Inequality because I became apathetic? Or because I became too scared of the backlash from people who pick equal fights against the cause?

Do people really want to read long reports about inequality?

Don’t they either feel guilty for being a part of the problem? Or guilty for not fighting against the problem? Guilt always finds new ways to be transformed into backlash.

Are you selfish?
True selfishness is to seek your gain to the detriment of others.
For humanity to grow true selfishness needs to die.

Everyone needs to SHUT UP and THINK.
Activists included. Non-activists included. Everyone. Including those with tremendously wise things to say, and those who only say stupid things.
Myself included.

Talk is cheap.

We are all becoming too stupid from talking more than we are ever willing to listen.

8 thoughts on “Why Everyone Needs To Shut Up and Think. Break free (Aug 2016)”

      1. Hi there, I tried to add you back on WordPress but it seems like you have deleted your account, it’s a shame, I would have really liked to see the work you engage in. Hope to hear more from you.

        Kind regards,


      2. My blog is live. I did not delete it. Another way to find it is if you go to tge WordPress Reader and search for nyasha bosman and the site that appears as That Other Petra Guy is my blog


      3. Thanks I will keep blogging as much as I can. I just got the notification. Please keep on blogging on your end. I love reading your work so please keep going.

        Liked by 1 person

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